Hey lovelies!
To change the world, we first must transform our relationships with others.
Each of us is born authentic, equipped with unique gifts, a purpose, and a distinctiveness that is wholly our own. Our Creator designed us this way. However, along the way, many of us start to wear masks.
We adopt various roles—mother, child, wife, supporter, boss, and more. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with these roles, they can sometimes cause us to forget our true selves. We might get so entangled in these masks that they become our new identity. We wear these masks to gain acceptance from family, friends, coworkers, bosses, and customers. Over time, we might forget to take these masks off, losing our true connection with both others and ourselves.
These masks can be worn out of fear—fear of rejection, fear of judgment, or fear of not being enough just as we are. Living behind a mask, not embracing your true self, is a disservice to your life. It can lead to anxiety, depression, or even worse. But remember, the world is eager to meet the real you. Those who can’t accept your authenticity aren’t meant to be in your circle.
Remember, you cannot be authentic on someone else’s terms. Being true to yourself is the only path to genuine happiness and a fulfilled life.